(801) 756-3737

Cold Sore or Canker Sore?

Cold sores and canker sores are two types of sores that can develop in and around the mouth, but they are caused by different factors and have different symptoms. Cold sores, also known as fever blisters, are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). They typically appear on or around the lips, but can also […]

How to Prevent the Flu Naturally

prevent the flu naturally

Is there a way to prevent the flu naturally? If you’ve been following the media, you know there is a lot of talk about viruses right now and I want to answer some questions for you!

Going To Battle With A Cold

Dr. J's Cold-Busting Ginger-Ade

Have you noticed how nasty the cold season has been this year? It seems everyone has something, and the something they have doesn’t go away very quickly.


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  • In-depth explanations of each of the 5 keys
  • The principles you need for a healthier mouth and body
  • The Healthy Mouth, Healthy YOU Plan and 
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